Жишээ нь: 1,000,000₮-ийн анхны өртөгтэй тоног төхөөрөмжинд жил бүр 100,000₮-өөр 8 жилийн элэгдэл тооцож бүртгээд. А. 200,000₮ Б. 280,000₮ В. 100,000₮-өөр борлуулсан гэвэл тохиолдол тус бүрээр үндсэн хөрөнгө ...
Цааш унших
Жишээ нь: 1,000,000₮-ийн анхны өртөгтэй тоног төхөөрөмжинд жил бүр 100,000₮-өөр 8 жилийн элэгдэл тооцож бүртгээд. А. 200,000₮ Б. 280,000₮ В. 100,000₮-өөр борлуулсан гэвэл тохиолдол тус бүрээр үндсэн хөрөнгө ...
Цааш уншихWith the Preethi Mixer Grinder, you can enjoy a countertop appliance that not only performs well, but also looks sleek and sophisticated. The jar configuration of the Preethi Mixer Grinder is designed to cater to a variety of needs. It includes a 1.5-liter jar, a 1.0-liter jar, and a 0.5-liter chutney jar.
Цааш уншихPreethi Alcor KH 207, 3 Speed Chimney with 1200 m3/hr Suction, 60cm, 130 W, 1x Groove Filter, 10 Yr Motor Warranty. Stainless Steel Glasss paneled Chimney for Perfect Indian Kitchen. 20,717.00 32,369.00 36% Off. Know more. Add To Cart.
Цааш уншихBuy Preethi MG-218 Zodiac 750 Juicer Mixer Grinder (5 Jars, Black/Light Grey) for Rs.12389 Online. Only Genuine Products. 30 Day Replacement Guarantee. Free Shipping. Cash On Delivery!
Цааш уншихFast. Delivery. Easy. Replacement. No-contact. Shopping. Shop Straight jar at Preethi Online Store. Explore Mixie Straight Jar that comes with a Handle and Stainless Steel Jars. Available in different sizes 1.5L, 1.25L, and 1.0L with 1 Yr Warranty and Life-Long Service!
Цааш уншихThe range of appliances offered by Preethi includes mixer grinders, induction cooktops, electric pressure cookers, gas stoves, rice cookers, juicers, wet grinders, coffee makers, …
Цааш уншихӨртөг зардлын тухай ойлголт, зардлын ангилал 1. Өртөг зардлын тухай ойлголт 2. Зардлын ангилал 1. Өртөг зардлын тухай ойлголт Зардал гэдэг нь бүтээгдэхүүн үйлдвэрлэхэд, үйлчилгээ үзүүлэхэд ...
Цааш уншихThe Preethi ECO PLUS MG-138 Mixer Grinder features 550 Watt motor. The mixer comes with stainless steel jars with flow breakers for fine grinding. The steel blades of the mixer grinder are …
Цааш уншихPreethi Kitchen Appliances Private Limited, Preethi Kitchen Appliances Pvt. Ltd. Present R Survey No 1526/1, 2, 3, Thaiyur B Village, Chengalpet Taluk, Kanchipuram District, Chennai-603103.INDIA : Manufacturer Preethi Kitchen Appliances Private Limited : Country of Origin India : Item model number MG-225 : ASIN B01N38MDVH
Цааш уншихSuper-fast chopping, slicing, grating, kneading, and juicing, Shop Preethi Zodiac Mixer Grinder at Preethi Online Store. Zodiac Mixer Grinder 750W motor with a 5-year …
Цааш уншихҮндсэн ба дайвар бүтээгдэхүүний өртөг тооцох. 1. Дайвар ба үндсэн бүтээгдэхүүний тухай ойлголт. Олонхи үйлдвэрлэлийн салбарт тухайлбал, гурилын үйлдвэр, мах боловсруулах үйлдвэр, газар ...
Цааш уншихPreethi Xpro Duo, a 1300W mixer grinder is a widely recommended product by hoteliers for commercial purpose. This product comes with a …
Цааш уншихPreethi Daily Collection - A range of cookware that enhances your cooking experience with its 5-star non-stick effect from Greblon coating. With twice the durability and scratch resistance, our cookware makes it a lasting investment in your kitchen, built to withstand the test of time and the rigors of daily cooking. 954.00 1,229.00 22% Off.
Цааш уншихThe Preethi ECO PLUS MG-138 Mixer Grinder features 550 Watt motor. The mixer comes with stainless steel jars with flow breakers for fine grinding. The steel …
Цааш уншихФлорида дахь ХХК-ийн өртөг хэд вэ? Жакинта Шеррис бичсэн . 30 оны 2023-р сарын xnumx-нд нийтлэгдсэн 6 мин унш . Нартай мужид бизнес эхлүүлэх нь таны бодож байгаа шиг төвөгтэй байх албагүй, ялангуяа ...
Цааш уншихPreethi's Promises. Preethi will continue to be your trusted kitchen partner delivering beyond boundaries. Enjoy your journey with us! Shop Preethi 110 V Series Mixer, Grinder, Blender at Preethi Online Store. 110V Series bring a wide range of mixies for every Kitchen need and also comes with Life-long Free Service.
Цааш уншихShop Preethi Blue Leaf Platinum Mixer Grinder 750 Watt Motor with 5 Jars Online in India. Make your Kitchen work easier with our Mixer Grinders and Get Life Long Free Service at preethi E-Store | 8901225781397
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Цааш уншихPreethi will continue to be your trusted kitchen partner delivering beyond boundaries. Enjoy your journey with us! Shop Preethi Crown Pro Mixer Grinder 600 Watt with 3 Jars Online in India. Make your Kitchen work easier with our Mixer Grinders and Get Life Long Free Service at preethi E-Store | 8901225782547.
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Цааш уншихBuilt with a 1000 W motor that runs at high speeds of up to 19000 RPM, the Preethi Taurus Plus MG 257 1000 W Juicer-mixer-grinder rapidly chops …
Цааш уншихBuy Preethi Galaxy Plus Mg-250 Mixer Grinder, 750 Watt Pink/Black 4 Jars Super Extractor Juicer Jar Vega W5 Motor With 5Yr Warranty & Lifelong Free Service Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene 1 Pcs online at low price in India on Amazon.in. Free Shipping. Cash On Delivery
Цааш уншихDurable stainless steel jars are provided. Imported heat resistant transparent lids. 550-watts powerful heavy-duty motor, ul approved for added safety, when compared to any other …
Цааш уншихБарааны зардлын өртөг гэж юу вэ (cogs)? ... Жилийн туршид зардал өсөх юм бол энэ өсөлтийг cogs-ийн тэгшитгэлд оруулна уу. irs нь бүтээгдэхүүний үнийг нэг бүрчлэн хянахгүйгээр жилийн туршид гарах ...
Цааш уншихPreethi Mixer Grinders 110V. 15 products. Mixer-Grinders are a prized possession among Indian women. And a peek into their kitchens will reveal that not just any product will do. …
Цааш унших550 watts powerful heavy-duty motor; 110 Volts 60 hz. UL Approved Motor from Preethi. Product Comes with a 1 Year Motor Warranty. This mixer grinder runs on a powerful motor, there will be some noise. Product operating noise level is 84dB (Mixer Grinder Industry-wide acceptable levels 80-90dB) Warning: Alert on sound due to high power motor.
Цааш уншихPreethi's Promises. Preethi will continue to be your trusted kitchen partner delivering beyond boundaries. Enjoy your journey with us! Shop Preethi Chef Pro Mixer Grinder 750 Watt with 3 Jars Online in India. Make your Kitchen work easier with our Mixer Grinders and Get Life Long Free Service at preethi E-Store | 8901225781281.
Цааш уншихSholinganallur, Chennai – 600 119. Phone Numbers: +91 – 44 – 2450 1042, +91 – 44 – 6694 9600. Preethi Customer Care Centre: +91 – 99400 00005. Service Queries: [email protected]. Other Queries: [email protected]. The …
Цааш уншихPreethi products are designed and manufactured to the highest standards and deliver high-quality performance, ease of use and installation. If you encounter any difficulties while using your product, we recommend that you first consult the user manual or contact our customer care service one call assistance @ 9940000005 (9am-6pm Monday-Saturday
Цааш уншихThe mixer comes with stainless steel jars with flow breakers for fine grinding. The steel blades of the mixer grinder are machine ground and …
Цааш уншихShop Preethi Mixer Grinders Online available with 3 Jars and 4 Jars. Explore complete variety and line-up with powerful and Reliable motors. Get Extended Warranty & Lifetime Free Service.
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Цааш уншихPreethi's Promises. Preethi will continue to be your trusted kitchen partner delivering beyond boundaries. Enjoy your journey with us! Shop Preethi Popular Mixer Grinder 750 Watt with 3 Jars Online in India. Make your Kitchen work easier with our Mixer Grinders and Get Life Long Free Service at preethi E-Store | 8901225781427.
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