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Цааш уншихx = 65. Step-by-step explanation: the sum of the interior angles of a quadrilateral = 360°. sum the angles and equate to 360. x + 95 + 118 + 82 = 360. x + 295 = 360 ( subtract 295 from both sides ) x = 65. arrow right. Explore similar answers.
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Цааш унших189. verified. Verified answer. Click an Item in the list or group of pictures at the bottom of the problem and, holding the button down, drag it into the correct position in the answer box. Release your mouse button when the item is place. If you change your mind, drag the item to the trashcan. Click the trashcan to clear all your answers.
Цааш уншихThe correct answer is: x = 115° Explanation: When two lines are crossed by another line, the angles in matching corners are called corresponding angles.When the two lines are parallel, the corresponding angles are equal.. Here in this case, the two lines are "s" and "r", and both are parallel and are crossed by the line t; therefore, the …
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Цааш уншихDudu N Girlie Travel Cot Fitted Sheet 95 x 65 | White Travel Cot Sheets 95 x 65cm | Hypoallergenic Toddler Bed Sheet Breathable …
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Цааш уншихMother Nurture Classic Eco Fibre Travel Cot Mattress, White, 95 x 65 x 7.5cm . Comforting sleep surface. The hypo-allergenic Cosyquilt cover is soft, snug and cosy to promote peaceful and undisturbed sleep..Keeps your baby safely supported as they grow.
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Цааш уншихProduct Description. B091F2KXL7: Mother Nurture Classic Foldable Eco Fibre Travel Cot Mattress, White, 95 x 65 x 5cm Featuring comforting Cosyquilt fabric with a supportive eco-fibre core, this simple and safe mattress provides a cosy and soft surface to keep your baby sleeping soundly and growing comfortably. Ideal for home use, while also being …
Цааш уншихцоо шинэ нунтаг металлын технологийн үйлдвэрийн төсөлд барилгын бараа материал, тоног төхөөрөмжийн судалгаа, худалдаа авалт, гадаад, дотоод …
Цааш уншихНунтаглах дугуйг сонгохдоо та түүний материал, ширхэгийн хэмжээ, хатуулаг болон бусад хүчин зүйлсийг харгалзан үзэж, боловсруулалтын шаардлагын дагуу …
Цааш уншихYou can use the conversion table below to find the conversion factor for the units you're converting. For example, let's convert 18 inches to centimeters. Step One: convert 18 inches to meters. 1 in = 0.0254 m. 18 in = 18 × 0.0254 m. 18 in = 18 × 0.4572 m. Step Two: convert 0.4572 meters to centimeters. 1 m = 100 cm.
Цааш уншихADAM ICON Classic Travel Cot Mattress 95 x 65 x 5 cm Key Features: Perfect for travelling. This mattress adds an extra comfort layer for baby to sleep on.
Цааш уншихХЭМЖЭЭ РАЗМЕРЫН ХҮСНЭГТ. Хэрэв таны сонгох гэж буй хэмжээ дээр жишээ нь m (85-100 *0,6кг) гэж байгаа бол урд талыг тоог 0,6 -р үржүүлээд жинг тооцож гардана. Уг сонголт нь 85*0,6 = 51кг мөн …
Цааш уншихA blood pressure of 127/65 mmHg indicates that you are at risk of a ELEVATED BLOOD PRESSURE [PREHYPERTENSION], as per the latest guidelines from the American Heart Association, which define it as being between 120/80 mmHg and 129/80 mmHg.. While this reading doesn't necessitate immediate hospitalization, it does …
Цааш уншихНунтаглагчийн даралтан доорх ажиллагааг баталгаажуулахын тулд хийн урсгалын хэмжээг нэмэгдүүлж сэнс болон гол машины хоорондын хийн хоолойн гарч орох …
Цааш уншихCorrect use method and steps of concrete grinder In order to improve the flatness and finish of the cast-in-situ concrete surface of outdoor floor, pavement, ground, floor and roof, …
Цааш уншихIn this case to convert 65 x 95 millimeters into inches we should multiply the length which is 65 by 0.0393701 and the width which is 95 by 0.0393701. The result is the following: 65 x 95 millimeters = 2.56 x 3.74 inches.
Цааш уншихThis mattress is professionally manufactured in the UK to a very high standard and it meets British safety standards. It is comfortable, breathable and reversible. The cover is water-resistant and removable for washing at 60o. The core is a eco polyester fibre pad which helps to regulate temperature.
Цааш уншихTwo parallel lines are crossed by a transversal. What is the value of x? x = 45, x = 65, x = 95, x = 115. Solution: Given, two parallel lines are crossed by a transversal.. We have to find the value of x.
Цааш уншихDelivery. from £3.75. Returns. via Call Centre. Travel Cot Mattress - 95 x 65 cm features in our Travel Cots collection. Previous item.
Цааш уншихMother Nurture Classic Fibre Travel Cot Mattress, White, 95 x 65 x 3.5 cm . Comforting sleep surface. The hypo-allergenic Cosyquilt cover is soft, snug and cosy to promote peaceful and undisturbed sleep..Keeps your baby safely supported as they grow.
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